Tanulási típus teszt

2014. április 28., hétfő

Weekly English105.: Conditional (part 2) Type 2 & Type 3


Angolul az "if"-es (=ha) mondatok a feltételes mód mellékmondatai. Maga az "if"-es tagmondat állhat a másik tagmondat előtt vagy mögött is, mely a jelenre, jövőre vagy múltra vonatkozó feltételt tartalmazza.

a) 2. típusú feltételes mondat: jelen időre vonatkozó feltétel esetén

- a feltételes mondat a jelenre vonatkozik
- tipikusan megjelenik a magyar mondatban a "-nák", "-nék"

if+ Past Simple; would+verb

If I lost weight, I would feel a lot better.
would feel a lot better if lost weight.

b) 3. típus feltételes mondat: múlt időre vonatkozó feltétel esetén

- a feltételes mondat a múltra vonatkozik
- tipikusan megjelenik a magyar mondatban a "volna"

if + Past Perfect; would (/could/ might) + have+ 3. Form des Verbs

If he hadn't come home by 10 pm, I would have called the police.
would have called the police if he hadn't come home by 10 pm.



If-Sätze sind Nebensätze, die durch das Wort if (wenn/ falls) eingeleitet werden. Der If-Satz kann vor oder hinter der Hauptsatz stehen. Er stellt Bedingung(en) für Präsens, Präteritum und Futur.

a) If-Sätze (Typ 2)

- Die Sätze vom Typ 2 beschreiben eine Bedingung, die unwahrscheinlich ist.

if+ Past Simple; would+verb

If I lost weight, I would feel a lot better.
I would feel a lot better if I lost weight.

b) If-Sätze (Typ 3)

- Die Sätze vom Typ 3 beschreiben eine unerfüllbare Bedingung.
- Ereignis in der  Vergangenheit (nicht mehr zu ändern)

if + Past Perfect; would (/could/ might) + have+ 3. Form des Verbs

If he hadn't come home by 10 pm, I would have called the police.
would have called the police if he hadn't come home by 10 pm.

Feladat/ Übung:

Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Form a conditional sentence (type 2/ type 3). 

a)  More people ______________ (go) by train if the tickets ______________ (be) cheaper.
b) If we ______________ (not/ take) the short cut, we ______________ (not/ get) wet.
c) If I ______________ (be) you, I ______________ (not/ ask) your mum again.
d) What ______________ you ______________ (do) now if you ______________ (win) a lot of money?
e) She ______________ (not/ have) the same skirt as her cousin if she ______________ (buy) the other one.
f) If I ______________ (listen) to you more carefully yesterday, I ______________ (understand) you much better.
g) My children ______________ (not/ buy) a dog for me if I ______________ (not/ wish) for one.
h) If we ______________ (book) the flight earlier, we ______________ (be able to) get them cheaper.

Megoldás/ Antwort:
a) would go, were; b) hadn't taken, wouldn't have got; c) were (!), wouldn't ask; d) would you do, won (had won); e) wouldn't have, had bought- MIXED TYPE; f) had listened, would have understood; g) wouldn't have bought, hadn't wished; h) had booked, would have been able to,

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